Social Media Profiles to Promote Gender Equity in STEM and STEAM Fields

Social media can highlight content, references, and opportunities when addressing topics such as STEM/STEAM, which are seen as initiatives promoting gender equity in these areas. Through this work, a mapping was carried out on Instagram of active profiles supporting women in STEM fields, aiming to identify the resources used by these profiles to promote gender equity in this field. Searches were conducted using descriptors and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, resulting in 45 profiles. The results identified that the profiles contribute to the sense of belonging of girls and women in STEM/STEAM by strengthening the recognition of women scientists, developing mentoring for career engagement, and promoting access to events and projects related to the STEM field.

Leihge Roselle Rondon Pereira; Karla de Souza e Silva; Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes; Cristiano Maciel.

Portuguese Bandeira do Brasil

References (APA):
Pereira, L. R. R., de Souza, K., Silva, E. P. D. S. N., & Maciel, C. (2022). Perfis em Mídia Social para Promover Equidade de Gênero na Área STEM e STEAM. Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN, 1613, 0073.

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