Open Data Platform to Promote Gender Equality Policies in STEM

Women are still underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). In the last decade, governments and academic institutions have developed initiatives and policies to increase women’s participation in STEM. However, these initiatives are rarely published openly and structured. This research proposal presents a plan to develop an open data platform of existing policies and initiatives promoting gender equality in STEM in three South American countries, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru, with an emphasis on technology areas. This project, funded by the Canadian government, has three phases from 2022 to 2025.

Maciel, C., Guzman, I., Berardi, R., Caballero, B. B., Rodriguez, N., Frigo, L., Salgado, L., Jimenez, E., Bim, S. A., and Tapia, P. C.

English Bandeira dos Estados Unidos

References (APA):
Maciel, C., Guzman, I., Berardi, R., Caballero, B. B., Rodriguez, N., Frigo, L., Salgado, L., Jimenez, E., Bim, S. A. and Tapia, P. C. (2023) “Open Data Platform to Promote Gender Equality Policies in STEM”, In Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI). April 2023. Portland Oregon, EUA.

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