Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields, and to address this issue, initiatives, policies, and actions are frequently created by various public or private entities. However, data and information regarding these initiatives, policies, and actions are not always open, centralized, or structured. To mitigate this issue and facilitate research using data on women in STEM, the international research network ELLAS was established and is executing a project. The project aims to create a platform with Semantic Web-based technologies to structure and centralize data from Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru initially. Therefore, this article aims to present the strategies adopted for the development of this platform.
Rita Cristina Galarraga Berardi; Pedro Henrique Stolarski Auceli; Cristiano Maciel; Guillermo Davila; Indira R. Guzman; Indira R. Guzman.
References (APA):
Berardi, R., Auceli, P., Maciel, C., Davila, G., Guzman, I., & Mendes, L. (2023). ELLAS: Uma plataforma de dados abertos com foco em lideranças femininas em STEM no contexto da América Latina. In Anais do XVII Women in Information Technology, (pp. 124-135). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2023.230764