Social Media Profiles for Girls and Women Interested in STEM and STEAM Fields
Gender stereotypes and low representation of women are some of the factors that hinder women’s engagement with STEM/STEAM topics. This study presents a mapping of active profiles on the social media platform Instagram that address and support women’s issues in these fields. A total of 45 profiles were identified through a search using descriptors, inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was observed that these profiles contribute to the inclusion of women in STEM/STEAM and redefine the field as a space for women.
Leihge Roselle Rondon Pereira; Karla de Souza e Silva; Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes; Cristiano Maciel.
Pereira, L., Souza e Silva, K., Nunes, E., & Maciel, C. (2022). Perfis em Mídia Social para Meninas e Mulheres com interesse na área STEM e STEAM. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, (pp. 227-232). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2022.223162
STEAM, Gender, and High School: Actions of Extension in partnership with Meninas Digitais Mato Grosso
With the aim of sharing actions and strategies to promote the STEAM and Gender agenda, this article reports on the formative experience derived from the Extension Project “Career, Technologies, and Education: Extension and Research for Gender Equity”, linked to Meninas Digitais Mato Grosso. The actions related discussions on the underrepresentation of women in scientific and technological fields to the New High School, from the perspective of teachers in the state of Mato Grosso. The results indicate positive evaluations from the participants. Other beneficial consequences can be observed when examining the effects on teachers’ practices, including the inclusion of STEAM and Gender issues in school contexts.
Waleska Gonçalves de Lima; Cristiano Maciel; Ana Lara Casagrande; Sabrina Bourscheid Sassi; Maria Fernanda Abalem Franca Nunes.
Lima, W., Maciel, C., Casagrande, A., Sassi, S., & Nunes, M. (2022). STEAM, Gênero e Ensino Médio: ações da extensão em parceria com o Meninas Digitais Mato Grosso. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, (pp. 251-256). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2022.222927
Promoting Gender Equity in STEAM Fields: Formative Experiences from the Meninas Digitais Project in Mato Grosso
The fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and STEAM (including the Arts) have emerged as crucial arenas for fostering gender equity. In this context, a range of initiatives, programs, and projects have been established to promote engagement and action in support of this cause. The realm of technology, in particular, has witnessed the inception of various projects following the establishment of the Meninas Digitais Program.
This research paper documents the extension and research activities conducted by the Meninas Digitais Project in Mato Grosso, involving both undergraduate and graduate students. Employing a qualitative approach with a focus on documentary analysis, the study encompasses the years 2020 and 2021, offering insights into the project’s formative experiences.
The findings shed light on the significance of research endeavors involving graduate students and highlight the importance of capacity-building initiatives targeting educators in K-12 education. These efforts serve to expand the project’s reach and align it with the ongoing educational reform movement, which is poised to make a profound impact on higher education as well.
Waleska Gonçalves de Lima; Sabrina Bourscheid Sassi; Maria Fernanda Abalem Franca Nunes Costa; Ana Lara Casagrande; Cristiano Maciel.
de Lima, W. G., Sassi, S. B., Costa, M. F. A. F., & Lara, A. (2022). Fomento à Equidade de Gênero nas Áreas STEAM: Experiências Formativas do Projeto Meninas Digitais de Mato Grosso.
Social Media Profiles for Promoting Gender Equity in STEM and STEAM Fields
Social media platforms play a significant role in showcasing content, references, and opportunities related to STEM/STEAM, particularly in initiatives that promote gender equity in these areas. This study aimed to map active Instagram profiles that support women in STEM and identify the strategies employed by these profiles to promote gender equity in the field. A search was conducted using descriptors and criteria for inclusion and exclusion, resulting in the identification of 45 profiles. The findings revealed that these profiles contribute to a sense of belonging for girls and women in STEM/STEAM by showcasing the achievements of women scientists, providing mentorship opportunities for career engagement, and facilitating access to events and projects related to the STEM field.
Leihge Roselle Rondon Pereira; Karla de Souza e Silva; Eunice Pereira dos Santos Nunes; Cristiano Maciel.
Pereira, L. R. R., de Souza, K., Silva, E. P. D. S. N., & Maciel, C. (2022). Perfis em Mídia Social para Promover Equidade de Gênero na Área STEM e STEAM. Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN, 1613, 0073.
Women in the Technology Field of Analysis and Systems Development: Admission, Retention, Success, and Inclusive Policies
The aim of this work is to understand the inclusion of women in a computer science course at the IFMT São Vicente campus and to highlight entry, permanence and success over a twelve-year period, assessing whether there has been an increase in the number of female students, as well as to identify the campus’ internal policies and actions aimed at ensuring the permanence of female students. This is an exploratory study of a qualitative nature, using open data on entrants to the course, and the communications of internal actions published on the institution’s electronic portal, carrying out a documentary analysis. This study is relevant because it seeks to understand the educational scenario from a pedagogical point of view from the perspective of encouraging women to enter the STEM area. Through this investigation, the Technology in Systems Analysis and Development – TADS course shows a trajectory of greater demand from male students, as well as an male students, as well as an axiomatic number of women who drop out of the course. The results of this study point to the discrepancy between the academic success of male entrants and the significant increase in female dropouts. We dialogued with researchers who present this phenomenon, such as Lima (2013), Madalozzo (2008), Glover (2002) and Marques (2007).
Silvia Diamantino Ferreira de Lima; Leihge Roselle Rondon Pereira; Cristiano Maciel.
LIMA, Silvia D. F. et. al. “Mulheres no curso de tecnologia em análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas: ingresso, permanência, êxito e políticas inclusivas.” Anais do SEMIEDU 2022 UFMT: (Trans) Ver a Vida pelas Lentes de uma Educação Cientifica, Sensível, Ética, Estética e Artística MT p. 500-511/2022.
ELLAS: An open data platform focused on female leadership in STEM in the context of Latin America
Latin American and Caribbean countries suffer from the underrepresentation of women in the STEM areas and to solve this problem initiatives, policies and actions are often created by different bodies, from either public or private sectors. However, both data and information on initiatives, policies and actions, are neither open, nor concentrated and sometimes not even structured. To reduce this problem, and to facilitate analysis research that uses data on women in STEM, the ELLAS project was created. The objective of the project is to create a platform with technologies based on the Semantic Web to structure and concentrate data from Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, initially. This paper will present the strategies utilized to develop this platform.
Rita Cristina Galarraga Berardi; Pedro Henrique Stolarski Auceli; Cristiano Maciel; Guillermo Davila; Indira R. Guzman; Indira R. Guzman
Berardi, R., Auceli, P., Maciel, C., Davila, G., Guzman, I., & Mendes, L. (2023). ELLAS: Uma plataforma de dados abertos com foco em lideranças femininas em STEM no contexto da América Latina. In Anais do XVII Women in Information Technology, (pp. 124-135). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2023.230764
How to encourage STEM education in girls?: A literature review
Around the world, women have a low representation in STEM careers. This phenomenon is puzzling when there is a labor market that increasingly requires professionals from these disciplines. Factors such as gender stereotypes and lack of information about these careers negatively affect girls’ interest and motivation in this field. The objective of this article is to carry out a literature review of the various initiatives carried out to encourage STEM education in girls. Bootcamps, workshops, and serious games are the three types of most common initiatives. Of all these, serious games seem to have represented so far,a more effective strategy.
Kory Ponce; Nadia Rodriguez-Rodriguez; Franci Suni-Lopez
Ponce, K., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, N., & Suni-Lopez, F. (2023). ¿Cómo incentivar la educación STEM en niñas?: Una revisión de literatura. In Anais do XVII Women in Information Technology, (pp. 1-12). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2023.230542
What Are the Challenges Faced by Women in the Games Industry?
Despite the growing female interest in gaming, women still representan alarmingly low percentage of game producers. Thus, a Systematic LiteratureReview has been carried out to understand what challenges women face withinthe games industry and what approaches have been made to promote moregender-aware companies. The studies encountered show that gender stereo-types are still highly present in video game companies, affecting the entry andpermanence of women in the field. Nevertheless, approaches have been dis-cussed that involve hiring more women, inducing them into leadership positions,and adopting gender-sensitive communication strategies. The results can helpfuture researchers understand which approaches work and which do not.
Bárbara Moreira Drummond; Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado; José Viterbo.
Drummond, B., Salgado, L., & Viterbo, J. (2022). What Are the Challenges Faced by Women in the Games Industry?. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, (pp. 167-178). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2022.223130
Proposal for a Serious Game to Reduce Stereotypes in STEM Careers
One of the reasons forthelow participation of women in STEM careers isthe nerd-genius stereotypes, which suggest that students and professionals in these fields are people with natural intelligence and no social skills. The main objective of this research is to propose a serious game that helps to reduce these stereotypes in STEM careers. It was concluded that the MDA framework is the most suitable for the proposal. Unity is the most suitabledevelopment engine given its scalability and free nature. Besidesstereotypes, usability and engagement will be analysed through a quasi-experimental design. It is expected that the future implementation of this proposal will contribute to improvingthe participation of women in STEM careers by reducing the nerd and genius stereotypes associated with this area.
Alessandra M. Ortega-Arrieta; Guillermo A. Dávila.
Ortega-Arrieta, A., & Dávila, G. (2023). Propuesta de un Juego Serio para Reducir los Estereotipos en Carreras STEM. In Anais do XVII Women in Information Technology, (pp. 282-293). Porto Alegre: SBC. doi:10.5753/wit.2023.229866
Gender Equality Policies in STEM in Latin
America – The use of Gray and Systematic
Literature Searches
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Indira Guzman; Jose Viterbo; Eunice Nunes; Franci Suni-Lopez; Elizabeth Jimenez; Ana Lara Casagrande.
Open Data Platform to Promote Gender Equality Policies in STEM
Women are still underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). In the
last decade, government and academic institutions have developed initiatives and policies to increase the
participation of women in STEM. However, they are rarely published in an open and structured way. This
research proposal presents a plan to develop an open data platform of existing policies and initiatives that
promote gender equality in STEM in three countries in South America, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru with an
emphasis in technology areas. This project, funded by the Canadian government, has three phases from
2022 to 2025.
Maciel, C., Guzman, I., Berardi, R., Caballero, B. B., Rodriguez, N., Frigo, L., Salgado, L., Jimenez, E., Bim, S. A. and Tapia, P. C.
Maciel, C., Guzman, I., Berardi, R., Caballero, B. B., Rodriguez, N., Frigo, L., Salgado, L., Jimenez, E., Bim, S. A. and Tapia, P. C. (2023) “Open Data Platform to Promote Gender Equality Policies in STEM”, In Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI). April 2023. Portland Oregon, EUA.