“Lugar de mulher é na tecnologia”: uma análise de perfis eiros no Instagram sobre mulheres nas tecnologias

The disparity between the number of women and men working in STEM fields is a widespread topic among researchers around the world. However, given its complexity, there are always elements to be reflected upon and problematized. With this in mind, this paper presents a study that aimed to analyze, based on the precepts of Pêcheux’s discourse analysis, Instagram profiles about women in technology, based on a survey conducted by the ELLAS network. Sixty-three profiles were found, and of these, 18 individual profiles were chosen as the target of analysis, in which it was possible to verify the focus on teaching how to enter and progress in this area.

Gonçalves, M. B., Arndt, G. J., Miguel, R. de B. P., & Frigo, L. B.

Portugués Bandeira do Brasil

References (APA):
Gonçalves, M. B., Arndt, G. J., Miguel, R. de B. P., & Frigo, L. B. (2023). “El lugar de una mujer está en la tecnología”: un análisis de perfiles eños de Instagram sobre mujeres en tecnología. Interfases, (018), 159-167. https://doi.org/10.26439/interfases2023.n018.6617

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